Friday, November 30, 2012

Access, Opportunity, and Maslov's Hierarchy of Basic Needs

Conservatives contend that people who want higher wages should better themselves either by attending a post secondary school or working harder. Well friends, the rebuttal to that is that if you have kids, you don't have time to go to school probably unless you have a 2nd parent that's either willing to stay home with the kids or is working full time himself and you have some sort of free/reduced daycare. If basic needs aren't met, then self improvement can't ensue. The only way to empower people to grow and evolve is to ensure they have the resources they need to meet their basic needs: Food, Shelter, Water, Sleep.

I agree that effort should be put forth in one who's seeking a higher socio-economic status, and there's no question that hard work is necessary for success.  However, at the same time.  If the job market isn't providing the jobs (and it won't be for quite a while) with incomes necessary to facilitate self-improvement, and people are just "surviving or getting by", then we will have a generation of young people who have reduced or diminished access to higher learning, we'll have generations of parents who are stagnant in incomes, and socio-economic mobility will be frozen with a significant segment of the population stuck in sub-middle class wages.  Wages that will erode over time because the pace of wage growth is substantially less than what it should be.  People, wages are the pinnacle of our society and without action from our government, we will continue to have a working class that is dependent on public assistance even working full time and a generation of young people who will incur significant debt if they decide to pursue a post-secondary education because parents will have no capacity to save for their children's futures.  

The key to growth is access.  Without access, nobody wins, everybody loses, and we as a nation descend into below-average status.  I can't allow that, and I won't tolerate it.

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